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Support the Kong Center with Essential Supplies


Your donations help us keep our programs running smoothly and provide the best experience for our students at the Kong Center at J.D. Sims Recreation Center. We are currently seeking donations of the following items:


  • Bottled Water

  • Snacks (Little Debbie cakes, bags of chips, prepackaged cookies, fruit roll-ups, etc.)

  • Lysol Wipes

  • Hand soap

  • Grocery Store Gift Cards (Krogers, Publix, Walmart, Costco)

  • Plates

  • Napkins

  • 4oz cups

  • plastic forks and spoons

  • Arts and Craft Supplies (paint, paper, etc.)

  • Sports Supplies (basketballs, bouncy balls, etc.)


Monetary donations are also welcomed and greatly appreciated. Your support is necessary for us to run a great program for our students, ensuring they have the resources they need to learn, grow, and thrive.


All items can be delivered Monday - Friday from 11 AM to 7 PM to the J.D. Sims Recreation Center located at 544 Angier Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30308. Please email or call 404.444.9347 to let us know when you will be dropping items off.


Thank you for your generosity!




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